Tested and certified to Australian Standard AS 4687-2007 - Temporary Fencing and Hoardings
The law in Victoria requires hoarding and temporary fencing to provide:
public protection
containment of works, materials and debris
exclusion of unauthorised persons
impact resistance
arrest of flying particles and dust
It is also a legal requirement that hoarding and temporary fencing is structurally adequate.
Carrick supplies compliant, engineered products to be used in their intended application. Our highest priority is worker and public safety. Carrick uses square hollow section (SHS) Duragal profiles as the basis for its patented structures. With the strength and durability of steel, Carrick systems have an inherently high level of safety.
Importantly, our designs are engineered with supporting structural engineer certified computations to comply with the law and current codes of practice.
Industry registrations are in place for work on building sites.